![Kalisa,Matthew and Shakila on the stage performing Kalisa,Matthew and Shakila on the stage performing](http://www.iprcwest.ac.rw/images/stories/septnov2014/general%20public.jpg)
Kalisa,Matthew and Shakila on the stage performing
From 15th September to 9th October, through mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company; IPRC West in Partnership with Swisscontact have been delivering Messages aiming at enticing youth to join Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as sustainable way to eradicate poverty and redundancy.
The closing session of Mashirika performance by means of drama took place this Thursday 9th at G.S Ngurugunzu in Gatumba and G.S Kageshi in Kabaya; sectors of Ngororero district in western Province.
Organizers say it will help eradicating poverty, reduce joblessness and give life orientation to Rwandans whose majority is youth.
“We have a big number of unwaged whose majority is youth completing secondary schools and university. Many others did not study but still need livings. This is a burden to the government and the sustainable solution for these people to earn money and the country to eradicate poverty is not found in extended general education but short courses in enabling people to be skilled within a short time and create jobs rather than waiting to be employed.” Says MUTANGANA Frederic, Acting principal at IPRC West.
He adds that it is one of Rwandan government top priorities and the main purpose of IPRC West in organizing TVET Awareness campaigns in Western Province.
Glancing on the play
The play is made of principal actors,Kalisa(wishing to befriend shakila and dismissed as he wants to join Vocational Trainings after studies but who will own a constructing company after trainings),Matthew(a man serving as a carpenter with little skills causing him to have conflicts with bosses but who will have more trainings and get a good job from Kalisa’s Company).Shakila(a lady who refuses kalisa’s friendship and consider Vocational trainings as dirty and less important education for weak people. Educated but with no job she underwent difficulty times her parents want to marry her to an old and rich man in the area. She finaly went to apply for a job in Kalisa’s company and meet Matthew)
Other actors include parents of Shakila (Keribuga(pretending to be literate) and Rozalie(illiterate)) as well as Gapalai (an old and rich man trained in VTC)
The play shows that TVET is helpful to both educated and less educated to be skilled and start earning money early. It also shows that general education is important to widen understanding and be critical thinkers which will help in TVET.
What do people think of TVET?
After this campaign in Rusizi, Nyamasheke, Karongi, Rutsiro and Ngororero we wanted to know the position of the publics and their views are as follow:
“…Unemployment is the major problem we face in Rwanda and which increase the number of people on street; I agree with you that TVET is a solution to this but we also lack means to join this important education,…” Says Euphrem Sibomana from Musasa Sector of Rutsiro in interview after campaign.
NIZEYIMANA from S5 HEG at G.S Syiki same sector said he chose to study Electricity when he completes his secondary education.
Another old woman found at Cyome Cell in Gatumba sector said her two daughters have to join Vocational trainings after Ordinary Level.
Some teachers at G.S Syiki confirmed that their lives will not depend on teaching and said they need holiday program to learn food processing.
“…I’heard about TVET in your session to Rusizi when I was visiting a colleague; I was already working as a poor carpenter like matthew (actor in the show) did. This actor helped me enough and now I’m having trainings in carpentry which will help me continue career without challenges…” Said Murindabigwi from Karongi-Rugabano sector.
On the other hand others confirm that TVET is only mechanics whereas other vocational trainings are of less value.
“You said too much about TVET but me I think only General mechanics is more important than others,” Said a 25 years lady who refused to give name.
A big number appreciate TVET even if few still say it is for those who are weak or illiterate.
IPRC West and mashirika will keep spreading TVET messages using Soap Opera already airing at Community Radio in Western Province Saturday and Monday as well as collaborating with Swisscontact to train those willing and be role model to others.
This campaigns complete after reaching 36 schools and 15 markets in five districts from western Province.
Parents of shakila discussing onmarrying her to an old and richman
Shakila and her parents
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