In many societies and nations, people with disability are not active people to account in productive sectors, they take them as those to receive supports than to offer and they are looked as burden to governments, NGOs and International Organizations. Sometimes they are left behind, neglected and stigmatized that even those who got chance to study do not easily get employed. Consequently, they are prone to some diseases and life challenges leading to death for instance in China where stigmatization is still remarkable.
UCC Visual impaired graduates make cloths with machines
World Health Survey in 2010 has estimated around 785-795 million persons aged 15 years and older living with disability and said the number is likely to increase due to wars, epidemics and conflicts.
Many countries strive to change this image as they find a sustainable solution to the life challenges of these people. Rwanda has more advanced to this as confirm reports and centers of rehabilitation built in many areas. Covering its TVET Radio program Imyuga n’Ubumenyingiro Inkingi mu Iterambere Ubumwe, IPRC West has discussed with people at Ubumwe Community Centre Vocational Training (UCC VTC) in Mbugangari Sector and Cooperative KIAKA of Rubavu District last Friday 30th October.
TVET graduates at KIAKA finishe brushes
Ndabananiye Frederic, One of the founder, authority at UCC and pioneer to this initiative said the purpose to found this community was to reject the saying that some people and organizations were funding people with disability whereas they were making money with them through International organizations and funding Governments. It was also building hope of those people as bringing them together and discuss on how they can produce than begging as He confirms they are able to work like others.
Ndabananiye Frederic can make works on computer
He lost his two hands chopped off in the period after the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi but now can do works on Computer, write with pen, and do many other works like others.
“People with disabilities are like others and can do what they do. What differ is how they do this and for how long. Now I can write, design and paint and do bicycle Racing. Disabled people need only self-confidence and motivation after being integrated into the community” He said
Freddy can also write and sign with pen
Freddy's handwriting is good than those having hands
The Head teacher of UCC VTC states that the VTC in this community was introduced in trying to find a sustainable solution to life challenges facing people with disability and trying to integrate them in the community with vacations generating income and motivating them be self-reliant citizens. He adds that their community is in partnership with sponsors and organizations to firstly heal diseases and problems aligned with disability before people start acquiring skills in diverse vocations existing there through stages.
UCC VTC Head Teacher-Zacharie
“Here we have many cases of disability including physical, mental, sensory and cognitive, Vision, hearing, intellectual impairments and various types of chronic diseases. The community is open to everyone and we put them in groups considering identified type of impairment to find special care accordingly. When we notice improvement, we orient them in vocations through phases and considering the choice and capacity of each of them.
Results are tangible because some have completed and now working in cooperatives to earn money, others have got jobs in organizations and institutions. You see now with Vocational their life improves,” Zacharie Dusingizimana (Head Teacher) said.
Problems they face include not having efficient infrastructure, accommodations, equipments and professional materials to be used training people with disability but also to be used by them in practice.
Alexis is completing University at the former KIE but also practice music at UCC VTV
Their Voices testify
“I like music and many times practice it though I don’t see. I have made my own songs, need advocacy to improve my talents, sponsorship and competitions to get developed from my music,” says Alexis studying at former KIE and with Visual impairment.
“I have bought some materials and earn enough money to buy necessities thanks to Tailoring. I hope to get more from this when I graduate,” Added another female with Visual Impairment.
“Through this vocation, I have Bought cows and built a house with my monthly salary (60,000 rwfs). I hope to get more and even buy a car and I am committed for this,” Said physical impaired women at KIAKA-Mahoko.
“I have finally got my life orientation thanks to TVET,I am earning a lot of money, have built business house in this center and paying school fees for my children. Vive/Viva TVET,” Has said a leg impaired in Ruharambuga
UCC VTC has many trades in which people with disability practice. These include Tailoring, Art and handcraft, Music and Computer Skills. Students produce beautiful paint and design images from banana leaves and clothing, ornaments and key holders from cow corns, and many more sold for the student’s benefits.
without legs He can work on machine shaping corns
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