
IPRC West signs partnership with DoT Rwanda for TVET advancement and youth empowerment.

The two parties  settled this partnership to day 16th at IPRC West headquarter when Digital Opportunity Trust Rwanda(DOT Rwanda) Country Program Manager, Emmanuel NZEYIMANA was touring  this institution to discuss with top management about areas of cooperation.
This cooperation will be based on internship opportunity in leadership, project management, communication and teamwork providing DOT Rwanda Promoting youth employment, and more specifically exchanging students for further studies creating job opportunities for them.

IPRC West Acting principal who received these honorable guests said it is a prestige for IPRC West students to benefit from this cooperation having additional knowledge enabling them to learn how being self-employed after acquiring technical knowledge at IPRC west. He added that it is the responsibility of both sides to empower youth at the level of solving social economic and technological problems facing the community.
Shyaka sylvain demonstrating Remotely Car starting system as car security and time management innovation by students
Shyaka sylvain demonstrating Remotely Car starting system as car security and time management innovation by students

On the other side, after visiting innovations by IPRC West students, Nzeyimana Emmanuel confirmed it is a better choice as the school has many initiatives sharpening Rwandan youth to boost economic growth. For this, he said DOT interns will be enrolled at IPRC West cramming vocational training short courses offering IPRC West.

Nzeyimana Emmanuel commenting on IPRC West services
Nzeyimana Emmanuel commenting on IPRC West services

The two parts agreed on exchanging students for more training increasing chances for job opportunities in four consecutive years renewable for their consent.
 the Two  representatives discussing
the Two representatives discussing

Dot is a social enterprise organization registered in Ottawa (Canada), aiming at creating economic, education& entrepreneurial opportunities to marginalized people especially women and youth eradicating poverty, vulnerability and gender inequality. Apart from Rwanda it operates in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in Africa.

Acting principal and dot coountry program manager(front),Director of TSS and VTC,Claude from dot and  YUNUSU  MIKA a trainer from IPRC West
Acting principal and dot coountry program manager(front),Director of TSS and VTC,Claude from dot and YUNUSU MIKA a trainer from IPRC West

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