
A 30 Million Rwf Worthy Computer Lab launched at IPRC West
Friday 31st January, at IPRC West, MTN foundation officially opened a computer lab worthy of 30 Million Rwandan Francs, with 36 desktops and one year internet connection. This is to help students and teachers be techno savvy as well as being aware of the world daily situation.

Zulfat MUKARUBEGA, the Vice chairman of MTN foundation said that the school was chosen due to its performance, professionalism and technical education quality that if such computer is well managed results will double. “When you positively show up people will see you and support your efforts even before you tell them so, “She said 
“Our choice was based school performance and we hope this computer lab is added on for more improved results,” She continued. Zulfat urged students to use this donation efficiently so as to be productive. She added that MTN Foundation will do more than a computer lab as the school emerges.
Madam Zulfat MUKARUBEGA Vice Chairman of MTN Foundation
 Eng. Mugiraneza Jean Bosco the principal of IPRC West  said that with internet students and employees will get updated as they also technologically work with computers.“We really appreciate this donation and we even plan to work during holidays for our students and staff to make this computer lab productive,” he said.
Students and Parents also prized this contribution of MTN Foundation for their knowledge development Mukandekezi Francoise who spoke on behalf of Parents said it is a prestige to receive such valuable donation and confirmed it not to be misused.

Nyampinga Goody Sandrine a senior six Electricity students also expressed her thanks giving feeling and said that Result will testify how worthy the given Lab is.
IPRC West students practicing in Computer Lab

The Lab donated by MTN Foundation to IPRC West is composed by 36 desktop with one year internet connection. It came to support another ICT Lab that was in IPRC West. Not only this school but also MTN Foundation distributed computers in 15 other schools and plan to go further distributing in all the districts of the country.

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